The wagon is designed for transportation of bulky goods, requiring a protection from the atmospheric influences.
The body of the wagon is constructed of two immovable side walls and two immovable front walls. There is one -
wing door or hatch on each side wall. The roof of the wagon is of a construction made of arcaded sticks and a
textile cover , protected on both sides with polyvinylchloride (PVC). It may be opened and closed on both sides of
the wagon by a mechanism, which is operated pneumatically or manually . By opening, the roof is folded and
gathered ahead of the one of the front walls of the wagon. The floor of the wagon is made of metal.
The construction of the wagon ensures a mechanized loading and unloading with grabs and other hoisting and
hauling devices. The wagon is equipped with an automatic brake of type KE-GP-A and a wedging brake.